Ready to revolutionize your running with the PRsue App?

To get started, create your first PRsue campaign. You’ll specify:

  • Your training goal, which could be general fitness or an event—5K, 10K, 10-mile, or half marathon
  • Start and end dates for your campaign
  • Time you’re currently training each week
  • Maximum time available to train each week
  • Which days you’d like to run

PRsue starts where you are, then creates a program of workouts to get you to your goal.

Choose your current running volume:

“I’ve been running for a few years and using apps the whole time. None of those apps were actually helpful in systematically helping me improve my times. PRsue is the first running app that has made me feel confident about the prospects of breaking through the PR plateau I’ve been stuck in for the past year. The app’s slick interface appeals to the cool-kid in me while the science of it appeals to my inner nerd. Win-win!”

Washington, DC

“I love seeing my zone efficiency percentage! Talk about motivation. I want to see 100% listed for efficiency!”

St Paul, MN